Home Grown Gardens

Calendar Specific Fruit and VegDictionary Useful Sites

Useful web sites and addresses to help you out.



Sites HomeGrownGardens has used:

Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) is the main UK organic charity and from the web site you can download all sorts of very useful free factsheets. As a member of HDRA you support this organic charity and receive the quarterly magazine The Organic Way. They also sell organic seeds, plants and everything else in their catalogue www.organiccatalogue.com

Royal Horticultural Society; main UK gardening charity who have many gardens including RHS Harlow Carr. The site has many free factsheets you can download. The veg pages are really useful (www.rhs.org.uk/vegetables) and you can apply for free seeds if you are an RHS member.

Carol Klein’s vegetable growing facts from the BBC, based on the programmes screened in January and February 2007 (and the DVD will surely be available at some point). And the gardening web page is a mine of useful information.

Everything you need for composting, wildlife, wildflowers and ponds; comprehensive selection of photos of wildflowers in catalogue.

Harrod Horticulture sells wide range of veg garden items, and organic plants. Products used at RHS Harlow Carr. Follow Stephanie’s progress in her kitchen garden!

Defland Nurseries selling organic plants by post. Set delivery dates and plant selections. Catalogue has a section for children.

University of Sheffield tested wildflower meadow seeds.

Possibly the most beautiful seed catalogue you’ll ever receive. Flower, veg and herb seeds, with stunning drawings, descriptions and useful tips and information.

Organic Gardening Magazine comes monthly to your door, with informative writing on all aspects of being organic.

OrganicLife is a (new) monthly magazine published by GMC, and tells you everything about living an organic lifestyle.

UK's leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming and championing human health.

Beautiful garden design for you if you are in the London area

Lots of useful advice and hints about Growing Your Own.

Free trees and hedging plants are available, plus lots of information on making a wildlife friendly environment. Lots for schools and children and fantastic leaf and tree charts.

Sites with a vegetable planner:

http://www.rhs.org.uk/vegetables/documents/VegPlanner.pdf - A colour veg planner from the RHS but it’s optimistic for a northern plot.

http://www.organicplants.co.uk/Downloads/Documents/Cropping-Plan-2006.pdf - a huge plot from Defland showing a four year crop rotation.

Other useful sites:

Rocket Gardens.co.uk is a mail order online company based in West Cornwall which organically grows and distributes vegetable and herb seedlings throughout the UK direct to customers. Plus growing guides and planting plans, and instant garden packs.

On this website, select UKTV Gardens at the top, and there is a ‘grow your own’ section. You can elect to receive Grow Your Own veg updates. On your TV you can also watch all sorts of gardening programmes, new and old, on UKTV Gardens.

What the Department for Environment, food and rural affairs (government body) is doing.

Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd is one of a number of certification bodies accredited by Defra and is approved to inspect organic production and processing in the UK.

www.nsalg.org.uk (National society of allotment and leisure gardeners)
Allotment societies are experiencing a boom, and waiting lists, but nothing ventured, nothing gained?

Essentials for the garden from organic fertilisers and pest controls to pegs and netting.

Their catalogue is a cheerful read that many gardeners would not be without. All sorts of seeds in their ‘Grow something new from seed’ and ‘Vegbook’.

www.willowworks.co.uk or www.simplywillow.co.uk or www.waterwillows.com (organic)
Buy Willow Whips or cuttings to give you free canes to make cloches and supports for your plot, or create a living willow sculpture in your garden. Whips are delivered (and so must be planted) Dec, Jan, Feb.

Proverb: Life is a bowl of cherries.


garden flowers

Plentiful organic produce grown with the help of some of these sites

London Garden Designer, layout image